A Message To Our Customers

At Fast Response Heating & Cooling, your health and well-being are our most important priority. As concerns of the COVID-19 have spread across the country, we are taking extra precautions to ensure we maintain safe and healthy environments for both you and our employees. Each of our technicians are taking the steps below:


  • We are closely monitoring daily updates and recommendations from the CDC.
  • Latex gloves are being worn by all staff when appropriate for the task.
  • We are sanitizing our service trucks and tools.
  • We continue to wear shoe covers when entering and working in your home.
  • We are increasing the frequency of cleaning and disinfecting our office and warehouse.
  • We are making a concerted effort to emphasize to our entire staff the importance of thorough hand washing. This means fronts, backs, wrists, and between fingers for at least twenty seconds with hot water at each washing.
  • Team members have also been instructed not to come to work if they experience fever or other flu-like symptoms.
  • Technicians may be wearing masks while in your homes and will refrain from shaking hands.
  • To protect our team, our customer service representatives will ask you a few questions regarding your household’s wellness before scheduling services.

At this time, we believe that taking the above safety precautions is doing our part to prevent the spread of any illness. Please contact us if you have any further questions. Know that if you need our services, we’re here for you. For regular maintenance or an emergency in your home, we are willing and able to make that service call using these meticulous protocols. And rest assured, when we interact, every precaution has been taken to ensure the protection of your family’s health and safety and comfort.

For the latest update about Coronavirus and additional information to keep your workplaces, homes, and schools safe, please visit https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html
Thank you for being a valued customer! We will get through this and be stronger on the other side. 
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